Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just Married!

The truck:)

The Wedding

The wedding was beautiful! My brother-in-law Caleb added some very special touches, he made a photograph video of the two of them growing up that was perfect and at the reception he had made a special recording for Micah to dance with the men in her life to, there were the perfect touches to a great day, my brother-in-law is very talented, I'm one of his biggest fans.

Since I got to stand next to Micah I saw a lot of great words said purely with eyes, it was a very special view for me:) Kyle's eyes said it all when she walked down the aisle, but said even more while she said her vows. I know they will have a very blessed marriage filled with wonderful memories. We are so excited for them and so equally blessed that we got to be such a big part of it all.

Since we had a sitter for the reception, Stephan and I enjoyed just being a couple, and a brother and sister-in-law.

Getting Ready

These are a few shots getting ready for my sister-in-law Micah's wedding. We all got together at James and Tracey's house and did nails and make-up, and a great hairdresser did all out hair. It was a fun morning. The atmosphere was very calm.

Micah and her mom on the phone, she wanted me to wait until she was off the phone but those of us who know her know that this picture is more realistic:)

Micah is so beautiful, she is everyday but today she was radiant!!!


One of our fun activities in South Carolina was playing in the sprinklers, Lucy and Camera really loved it, Lucy preferred to watch.

Miles was doing a lot of "cooking" and mixing water from the sprinkler and leaves and items from around the yard into a big bowl of yummyness which he then tried to feed to the dogs.

I did not get a picture of it, but Camera's favorite thing was to eat the sprinkler water, she would just run over to it with her mouth wide open and eat it, meanwhile the other parts of the water were hitting her in the face and eyes, which you would think would bother her but she was so happy. It was fun for all!

Moppy and Poppy's bed

We just got back from a ten day trip to South Carolina for Aunt Micah's wedding. We had a lot of fun but mainly did a lot of work:) We slipped fun in for the kids during the day as much as we could and at the end of the day the kids could not wait to run into Moppy and Poppy's room and snuggle into their bed. In this picture they are having a snack of some popcorn and watching some cartoons. There is something very comforting about being in that big bed, sometimes poppy would sit with them and watch t.v(through his eyelids).

Camera's Bithday

Our beautiful little niece turned one (a little while ago), we had a fun family party for her. We used supplies from previous parties, which mainly where western themed.

Everyone enjoyed themselves, mainly because there were cupcakes involved, They only tolerated the dress up part for a few moments. We have really enjoyed being so close to Camera during the first year of her life, she is a beautiful happy little girl:)