Saturday, September 15, 2007

Slumber Party!

4 adults + 3 babies + 900sq. ft. = slumber party:)
This is Camera sleeping, she thought that slumber parties were for sleeping, hmmm I don't think the adults got that memo.

Miles loves babies, here he is holding Camera with his Uncle Caleb.

Lucy had the right idea, slumber party means pillow fights and laughing.

This is Camera and Lucy playing

Here is Uncle Caleb and Camera with the only clean towel left, the monkey towel. Uncle Caleb, Aunt Ashley and my beautiful niece came to spend a night with us because they needed to leave their house for a night. We had fun, we all stayed up late talking and of course all the babies still got up early. Miles thought is was so great that everyone was still in the house when he got up in the morning.

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