Monday, February 11, 2008

The 17 dollar box

I love good deals and the other day in Target I found a stroller on clearance for just 17 bucks, my freind Alicia needed a stroller because the wheels broke off the one she had. So we brought it home and Miles love assembeling it with Daddy, and then he realized that the box it came is was pretty cool, so in and out of the box he climbed, then he went to get some trains to come into the box also and just hung out in the box. Soon Daddy cut a door and a window int he box and made it into a house. Everyone had to go in the box, "daddy bock" "mommy bock" baby bock" he would say while pulling us in.

Lucy would crawl through the window and go around to get into it again, she loved it. Daddy put a clip through the window with a baby ring on the inside so they could get in the box and shut the window behind them. The box then became a clubhouse where we would have to knock on the door to get in and say the secret password which was "bubble" just because it is still Miles' favorite word. This went of for 3 days, with no one tiring of the box, but after all that it started to fall down and Miles decided it would now be good for standing on and jumping off. So quickly the box was flattened

So now we have a flat box so we cut it apart and had one big piece of cardboard hmmm... what to do... we layed it on top of a crib and a chair covered part of it with a blanked and now we have the roof to a fort, with a sunroof! Miles brought is cars and garage in the fort and played for a while, then he noticed that he could open the sunroof and place his cars on the roof, by the time we cleaned up all the cars were on the roof.

Shortly before the box made it to its final resting place it was a great big easel. Man that was a great 17 dollar toy:)


katrinahsmith said...

how creative can you get? What a great post!

Toni Schryer said...

I can remember many trips to the back of the Sears store when your father and I would get refrigerator boxes for you and your brother. They would last for a week, with windows, doors, etc. cut into them. You two would drag every toy you owned into the box and play for hours...It must be hereditary! Mom