Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First concussion

So the Stewart's are pretty competitive by nature and Lucy was not about to be outdone, she decided to be the first and probably the youngest Stewart to have a concussion. And luckily her nose is not broken, just possibly deviated, but its to swollen to find out so we will have to go back in a few days. What happened....... We had a fun morning playing outside at our new house, it's only the second time we have been able to play in the backyard since moving, she ran, not walked over to the hill(pretty steep for a little one) and stepped right down the flight of stairs that goes down the hill. She hit her nose on the second step and landed at the bottom on her little head:( My poor baby, she was barely phased at all, a little crying and then she was fine. Flirting and waving and giving high fives to every nurse and doctor she could. They said to me "are you sure she is hurt, she is so happy" She is recovering well and enjoying all the extra attention. Miles was so sweet when he saw that she was hurt, I had to herd them inside and tend to her and he ran into our room and brought us a large piece of gauze and a band aid, and ran to her saying "boo bo" he prayed for her and everything, it was very sweet to see such a compassionate gift flow from Miles.

1 comment:

Toni Schryer said...

My poor litte angel grandbaby! She's a real trooper like her mother. When you ran over you thumb with your litte scooter when you were 2 yrs. old, you bravely rode to the doctor's office with your ice bag on your hand and barely whimpered.