Saturday, January 24, 2009


I am loving Miles and Lucy's growing relationship so much. They do almost everything together these days and look out for each other, both in good and bad. If Miles notices some type of snack left on the counter within reach, he pushes his chair up to the counter and grabs two of whatever it is and goes to seek Lucy out to give her one. They also both ask for each other if I am doing something with just one of them, while reading a book to Lucy today she looks around and says "where Miles" "I find him". They both do really enjoy one on one time with either of us.

Tonight I was listening to them play on the monitor after we put them to bed, and one point when Miles was probably drifting off to sleep Lucy noticed that he was quiet and let out a shriek "Miles" in a little bit of a panicky voice, he immediately says "whats wrong lulu", so sweet, you could tell he was tired but still wanted to reassure her. Earlier when they were still in full not ready to sleep mode Miles yelled "mommy" in a play full voice and then quickly prompted Lucy "you say daddy lulu" I think he was hoping to get us all in their for a family reunion to avoid sleeping. So fun to see them enjoying each other.

5 more days until this baby is due....I'll keep everyone posted:)

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